Yes loyal freinds, the axis are surging towards the coast as we speak, witht he cowards in green running back towards their Island as fast as their trucks can carry them.
Morale has risen, battles are being won and the allies are ont he run after a superb breakthrough over the last weekend when the allies were crushed, the campaing could have been won by now but for the fact our HC in their wisdom decided to be kind to the allies and 'allow' them a way back to their factories as we wanted to win the map with a fight and not softcapping like the other side does as we all know

We at propaganda have been given much information of the weekend breakthrough and the reactions of both sides and wish to update the troops on the field to the situation.
Many a question has been asked about how a breakthrough happened apart from our battling effort and crushing attacks to the enemy, well here we have an exclusive picture from Brussels the morning of the attack:
Written by Bigdavej (february 1st 2009)