Unterfeldwebel Semrdar reported: " I was being sneaky and malicious during the night when we were defending Julich. I was heading South along the main road to the right side. Saw my first victim, an LMG with my binocs. He was on the left side of the main road to the south with his binocs out looking towards east side. I snuck behind him, jabbed him two times and he's out. I haven't made my position yet. I then decided to keep on my route being sneaky. I then wished I had gotten an rifle instead, since it's wide open. As I was continuing on, I stopped to take a break and rest. While in my break, I took out my binocs out again, looked towards the west side of the road. I saw my next victim. Again with an LMG. I figured he was the same guy looking for revenge. So just to mess with him again, I stalked my prey. He was running parallel from the road to the north. I got up, and chased him down to a bush, he still hasn't noticed me. He got down in a bush and looked at his map. I got my knife out and jabbed him once, then he started to move forward, I then jabbed him again. He's dead. Shortly after, I hurried southward again so I can lose him if he spawns back. So after 20 minutes of nothing, I saw two French soldiers running towards the city from a bush. I wondered if that is were the MS was. It was still night, and I managed to get a different vantage point, and alas it was the enemy MS. I then hasted towards it and an enemy truck spotted me, he was towing an ATG with him. He was going to run me over, I then managed to go under the enemy MS and he took a sharp turn and the ATG unhooked and he tilted over, he soon then despawned. The truck kept on his way hoping I wont shoot him. But I didn't want to give away my position to everyone. So then I asked in 'Mission' and 'Target' on how to kill an EMS. (Since I never actually killed one before and I wanted to do it right.) They told me that either 5 rounds from a rifle to the engine will do it, or a nade. So that only leaves one option since I have an SMG. (Keep in mind that I haven't shot off one round from my SMG.) So then I popped a nade while I was under it, ran away from it, and BAM! EMS down. Hurrah! I then noticed a tank looking at my general vicinity trying to figure out what happened. I then hid in the bush where that same EMS was, he then just looked back towards the town. I waited about 10 minutes to see what I can do, if I see anymore victims for my blade. But nothing happened. It was quiet around me, the battle was being waged over by the east side of town now. So I carefully ran back towards the town vicinity to RTB. Good Sortie. :)"
Started Oct 24, 2009 in a German SMG from Julich. Ended with 2 kills and 0 captures.
AAR Sortie Logbook
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