Thread: Luxembourg Brewery is Axis!
Before the taking of the brewery a great battle of Viaden opened up for the Axis offensive. Gagamel, KGW: " Insane battle, simply insane. We broke the can open with a 15 man hotdrop on the well defended NCP and when that fell allies got squeezed in more and more. It dragged out though, untill we started presuring SAB and ECP at the same time. Amazing night, havent seen 55kill/min before in EU TZ this map, and it kept goign like that for an hour. Stats say we kileld about 3.000-4.000 allies on ground. With air it must have been many more."
LtData: " The Vianden battle tonight was an allied disaster supported by AHC. Early in the battle it was clear that it was a lost battle.I suggested for AHC to pull back and prepare defenses at the next towns and add defence to neighbouring towns. Instead AHC kept on with adding ressources and feeding the axis. Even when we where down to one camped AB a fresh armour brigade was added. Which of course was slaughtered within the AB.Result of this was that next towns in line became low on supplies and axis rolled town after town with ease in the area. Last before I logged was Luxembourg."
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